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Brian the Robot May Be the New Face of Senior Care

“Murphy’s Law: his eyelids aren’t working today.” Professor Goldie Nejat (MIE) fusses over Brian’s facial features, adjusting his pliable, rubbery skin, pushing it up over his eyeballs.

New Inexpensive Solar Cell Design is Pioneered

One of the most promising technologies for making inexpensive but reasonably efficient solar photovoltaic cells just got much cheaper. Scientists at the University of Toronto have shown that inexpensive

Thought-Control Technology Can Make Toast

Using your brain waves to control the environment around you, like the lights in your home or even your toaster, is already a reality. One Toronto-based company has developed a system called thought-control

Quantum Cryptography is Made Safer Through Hacking

One of the fundamental tenets of quantum mechanics is that measuring a physical system always disturbs it. If the system in question is a message in a series of digital bits encoded in the polarisation