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U of T Design Team places second in design competition

October 26, 2009 By Barbara McKechnie The U of T Design Team scored second place in the Student Design Competition, organized as part of the 82nd Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition

Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Staff Awards

October 23, 2009 The Staff Awards Committee created four new staff awards for administrative and technical staff within the Faculty. In addition to the Agnes Kaneko Citizenship Award, new awards include:

Entrepreneurship and Engineering: A successful combination

October 21, 2009 By Lindsay Cunliffe Tarvit  The Engineering Alumni Association’s new initiative, Biz Skule™, launched in September, was welcomed by almost 100 Skule™ alumni who were present

Q & A with Professor Emeritus Joseph C. Paradi

October 21, 2009 Executive Director and Professor, Centre for Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship | Chair Holder in Information Engineering | Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied