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Entrepreneur profile: Xerxes Wania, MASc 9To

November 3, 2009 Xerxes Wania | MASc 9To | President and CEO of Sidense Corp  Xerxes created four successful start-ups in the past nine years, including Sidense Corp., provides non-volatile memory

Entrepreneurship series 2009-2010

November 2, 2009 Since 2004, The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has provided an inspiring roster of speakers for its Engineering Entrepreneur Series, open to

Entrepreneur profile: Mark Fox, MIE Professor

October 29, 2009 Mark Fox | MIE Professor | Co-founder and Chairman, CEO Novator Systems Ltd. | Co-founder, Carnegie Group Inc.  Mark’s company Novator Systems pioneered online retail services

Entrepreneur profile: Allan Carswell, EngPhys 5T6

October 29, 2009 Allan Carswell | EngPhys 5T6 | Founder, Optech Inc.  Laser application field pioneer, Allan placed first laser radar on Mars, works with NASA, and will be inducted into the Engineering