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U of T Engineering Profs Assess Toronto’s Recent Storm

U of T Engineers have been very much in the public eye this week as Toronto recovers from the record-breaking rainstorm that hit the city on July 8. Here’s a summary of some of the coverage.

Students Show Off Their Innovative Ideas at UnERD

By Ahil Ganesh (EngSci 1T3), Co-Chair of UnERD 2012  On August 15, undergraduates gathered to showcase their diverse summer research at the 7th annual Undergraduate Engineering Research Day (UnERD).

Karney Warns Wasted Water Weakens Infrastructure

Professor Bryan Karney, in a story prepared by CBC News, warns that failing to invest in water infrastructure can lead to higher costs in the long term. “The reason why water pipes leak is

Stop Using Toilets as Garbage Cans, Canadians Urged

Canadians say they appreciate the vast amount of fresh water that exists in this country, but are quite willing to waste much of it by unnecessarily disposing of things through toilets, according

Two new books published by Engineering professors

Three engineering professors in Faculty leadership roles have recently published important new books in their respective fields. Farid Najm (Chair, ECE) has authored a textbook entitled Circuit