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Big Science From Canada’s Smallest Satellite

March 20, 2009 The Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment 2 (CanX-2) nanosatellite is nearing the completion of its first year in orbit. Having been developed on a shoestring budget, nearly 100

Canadian to Make Film With Robot Eye

March 19, 2009 Rob Spence, a Toronto-based filmmaker who was blinded in the right eye when he was a teenager, is turning his prosthetic eye into a camera he’ll use while filming an upcoming

Engineering Co-operation

March 18, 2009 When Eric Miller earned his aerospace engineering degree, he never would have imagined himself ending up working as a civil engineer, building computer models to simulate traffic

Job Security Outlook Bright for Engineers

March 18, 2009 When Eric Miller, CivE, earned his aerospace engineering degree, he never would have imagined himself ending up working as a civil engineer, building computer models to simulate traffic

From Sci-fi to Nanorobots

March 17, 2009 Warren Chan, IBBME, is experimenting with particles known as quantum dots, with the goal of improving cancer diagnosis. Chan’s lab is also researching how quantum dots might be