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Appointment of Globalization Minor Working Group

March 4, 2009 March 3, 2009 Appointment of Globalization Minor Working Group – Memo 2009-03 February 20, 2009 Appointment of Cross-Faculty Program Office Working Group – Memo 2009-04

U of T Spin-Off Receives Provincial Funding

March 4, 2009 ChemE Professor Mohini Sain received support of his research to invent new ways to make car parts out of crops … (News @ the University of Toronto)

Shining a Light into Trapped Minds

March 3, 2009 IBBME Professor Tom Chau has developed a prototype device that uses near-infrared beams to decipher the brain’s response may help kids with movement disorders communicate … 

High Impact Leadership Training for Grad Students

March 3, 2009 By: Anastasia Shteyn, Engineering Student  For 40 Engineering graduate students the weekend of May 10-11 will mark the beginning of a three day series of leadership workshops, entitled

Award Celebrates Women in Engineering

February 27, 2009 By: Judith Lau, Cannon Staff Writer It was only in 1884 that women were allowed to attend the University of Toronto. Now, there are more full-time female undergraduates and graduates