April 16, 2009 Professor Ramin Farnood and PhD student Peter Angelo are featured in UofT Magazine talking about their quest to develop “smart” packaging that could warn consumers if
April 15, 2009 A U of T spin-off company will be honoured with the 2009 Excellence in Innovation Award from the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering at an banquet to be held in May in St. John’s,
April 14, 2009 Those honoured through the Awards of Excellence reflect the University’s vision of becoming a leader among the world’s best public teaching and research universities in
April 14, 2009 Congratulations go out to the U of T Design Team for their win at the Inaugural Water Environmental Association of Ontario (WEAO) student design competition. The team will move on to
April 13, 2009 The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering’s Teaching Methods and Resources Committee is pleased to present the inaugural installment of the Excellence in Teaching and Learning
April 10, 2009 On the April 9, 2009 Daily Planet show, co-host Jay Ingram talks with Professor Goldie Nejat about her research into interactive, human-like healthcare assistive robots, and introduces