PhD candidates Lana Olague of the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS) and Michelle Ye-Chen Xu (ECE) from The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering received international recognition from two organizations for their contributions to the field of engineering.
Zonta International awarded Lana Olague with the prestigious Amelia Earhart Fellowship. Lana conducts research in the area of aerodynamic shape optimization under the supervision of UTIAS Director and Professor David Zingg. Amelia Earhart Fellowships have been awarded to hundreds of women from 59 countries and total over $7 million. Previous Fellows have gone on to defy stereotypes, working on innovative research as scientists and engineers. Zonta International, a global organization of executives and professionals, advances the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy.
Michelle Ye-Chen Xu received an Educational Scholarship in Optical Science and Engineering from the Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Under the supervision of Vice-Dean of Research and Professor Stewart Aitchison and Professor Gilbert Walker, Michelle is engineering cancer-diagnostic hand-held devices, using nano-grating surface plasmon (SP) sensors and nano-pillar photonics crystal (PC) sensors to improve early detection of cancer. In 2010, SPIE will award $323,000 in scholarships to 137 outstanding students around the world based on their potential for long-range contribution to optics and photonics, or a related discipline.