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U of T Homepage Redesign

February 13, 2009 The U of T website was redesigned to make it easier to find information. Engineering will also be redesigning its website this year. Please send input and feedback to: kate@e

Dean’s Town Hall Meeting with Undergraduate Students

February 11, 2009 Approximately 50 undergraduate students joined the Dean for a Town Hall meeting on February 6, 2009. Cristina Amon provided an update on ongoing programs and initiatives. Jonathan

Two Engineering Students Travel to World Economic Forum

February 11, 2009 Two Engineering students recently experienced Engineering in a global forum this month surrounded by world leaders such as Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Engineering Faculty Thinks and Acts Globally

February 9, 2009 By: Anjum Nayyar  In an age where companies employing engineers are multinational, engineers must be well-versed in the fundamentals of dealing with diverse business cultures. These

Three MIE Professors Receive CSME Awards

February 9, 2009 By: Carolyn Farrell, Director, Awards and Honours, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Professor Chul Park, Professor Yu Sun, and Professor Emeritus Charles Ward, from