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Five Engineering Researchers Awarded Connaught Grants

Winners of the newly revamped Connaught New Researcher Awards, fostering excellence in research and innovation by assistant professors, include five researchers from the Faculty of Applied Science

Alumnus Receives Honorary Degree from Clarkson University

Congratulations to Bernard Amadei (EngSci 7T9), founding President of Engineers Without Borders-USA and co-founder of Engineers Without Borders-International, who has been awarded an honorary degree

Stop Using Toilets as Garbage Cans, Canadians Urged

Canadians say they appreciate the vast amount of fresh water that exists in this country, but are quite willing to waste much of it by unnecessarily disposing of things through toilets, according

Pedal Really Means Power at Hart House

The prototype sustainable power plant that University of Toronto Professor Olivier Trescases (ECE) is demonstrating doesn’t look like much. A simple black-box battery connected by clips to red